#bzflag @ OPN stats by Disconnect

Statistics generated on Monday 7 October 2002 - 0:13:10
During this 463-day reporting period, a total of 973 different nicks were represented on #bzflag.

All Ibot(*) Channels

All times in UTC

Most active times
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
0-5 = 0-5 6-11 = 6-11 12-17 = 12-17 18-23 = 18-23

Most active nicks
 NickNumber of linesWhen?Number of WordsWords per lineChars per lineLast seenRandom quote
1 captain_proton408912390055.832.2Today"but it seems more and more they lub me "
2 patlabor221243081470106.030.1Today"I cna't get to the server "
3 BZflag235951640837.037.6Today"I believe that is his intention. "
4 Chestal182721570168.646.0Today"we'll have 4 tanks in the final then "
5 DougHecka16879545273.216.8Today"then sit there and look at each gun as you select it "
6 Widget16484958665.834.2Today"And also, if you overuse it, you get spaghetti inheritance. "
7 vogon_jeltz14706931936.335.994 days ago"hmm... theregister.co.uk doesn't seem to be up :| "
8 iLLf8d10866633715.830.05 days ago"caboose is the last car of a locomotive "
9 MrApathyCream7236405255.631.92 days ago"captain_proton: You mean you don't have any more duct tape? "
10 akira_4285213985.028.71 day ago"from one color to the next "
11 sussudio4202248615.932.8Today"yeah... light hurts the pale skinned "
12 scanline4079308257.642.610 days ago"gonkulator{work}: you here? "
13 Dinah3146181585.830.0Today"bzfquerylong ducati.bzflag.org 5156 "
14 Jacques3051202766.634.723 days ago"i said numerical name cheater was getting worse "
15 jzaun3048222937.339.22 days ago"I;de like to not have to store them "
16 tad268671692.713.785 days ago"google is not very smart..... "
17 tad_253570582.814.8102 days ago"1.8 will NOT run on my system "
18 jpablo2340127605.529.7Today"ibot, nickometer ^d00^_w0Ow "
19 nuum2193144616.635.224 days ago"um, depends on how you build your kernel "
20 ritchie_201185174.221.99 days ago"woooooooooooooooooooooooooo "
21 Valoche1864124486.736.365 days ago"Ibot, x fr en Je suis Ibot, je suis assez idiot "
22 mandy171140122.311.53 days ago"I guess I took that wrong "
23 paul1667112906.838.11 day ago"and the web config is open too "
24 crs2316441682310.258.786 days ago"k. there must be a bug in SceneVisitorRender. try this: "
25 doughec157248723.116.271 days ago"BZFrank: the top o' the line model "

These didn't make it to the top:
RCAM (1519) metal_magic (1509) blair (1489) Terminator (1460) Noodleman (1402)
m0nkey_b0y (1350) fontenot (1330) [BZ]Ruudi (1307) almogaver (1211) Cell_prog_insect (1202)
Zig (1190) blaboo (1156) strayer (1137) lupinator (1104) doug_school (1042)
bryjen (1020) T-34 (996) [TeA] (972) lurgyman (944) FantaZee (885)
PerfectCell (884) Pinguin (867) Cell (852) Phactorial (824) Ginku (815)
captain_pistachio (801) bomber (754) Guardian (742) Ruudi (716) prodan (623)
Nicole3 (605) taD_gone (576) mhall (551) JeffM2501 (533) tad__ (521)
CLQ (510) ^john (508) [TeA|TrEE] (499) paulj (497) blackhound (491)
freelancer (483) pnm (464) OoOoO (457) angelina (448) iLL_away (447)
iLL_BZFlag (440) |ks| (432) arathorn (432) Condon (427) Doug_um_busy (424)

By the way, there were 898 other nicks.

Big numbers
Is Crooze stupid or just asking too many questions? 35.3% lines contained a question!
blair didn't know that much either. 35.0% of his/her lines were questions.
The loudest one was csm, who yelled 16.1% of the time!
Another old yeller was blah, who shouted 12.5% of the time!
It seem that tad_mac_guy_gone's shift-key is hanging: 6.1% of the time he/she wrote UPPERCASE.
For example, like this:
     1025298247 [35016] <tad_mac_guy_gone/#bzflag> AHA!!!!

[TeA|TrEE]_ just forgot to deactivate his/her Caps-Lock. He/She wrote UPPERCASE 4.0% of the time.
captain_proton is a very aggressive person. He/She attacked others 59 times.
For example, like this:
     1028490969 [26852] <captain_proton/#bzflag> slaps Widget

vogon_jeltz can't control his/her aggressions, either. He/She picked on others 16 times.
Poor vogon_jeltz, nobody likes him/her. He/She was attacked 22 times.
For example, like this:
     1002704209 [10571] <I_KalamBa/#bzflag> slaps vogon_jeltz around a bit with a large trout

captain_proton seems to be unliked too. He/She got beaten 17 times.
RiSeMaN brings happiness to the world. 48.7% lines contained smiling faces. :)
EddieNull isn't a sad person either, smiling 28.1% of the time.
yoyox seems to be sad at the moment: 16.8% lines contained sad faces. :(
Mystix is also a sad person, crying 6.3% of the time.
EddieNull wrote the longest lines, averaging 76.8 letters per line.
#bzflag average was 31.1 letters per line.
Ginku_Jr wrote the shortest lines, averaging 4.4 characters per line.
DougHeck was tight-lipped, too, averaging 11.0 characters.
captain_proton spoke a total of 239005 words!
captain_proton's faithful follower, BZflag, didn't speak so much: 164083 words.
ElennMCIntire wrote an average of 63.00 words per line.
Channel average was 5.78 words per line.

Users with most nicknames
 Nick Names Used
1 BZflag
(50 names)
naMrepuS, BZflag, BZFlagAway, foobar, grunge, BZwaitfortruck, BZGettingPhones, thor, BZFlagDinner, bzfrank, bz-akira, bzshadow, BZValoche, BZLazarus, bzakira, BZFlagSurgery, bzAce, bzbot, bzbot2, bzCamper[GAY], BZFlagOLS, BZdoug, BZ[TeA], bzdoug_, bzdougf, bzdougborken, bzdoug__, bzgirl, BZFlagModem, bzdougy, bzdoug_geforce, bzduug, bzdug, bz_doug, BZFlagIndia, BZig, BZFlagSingapore, bzdougyyy, bzdouglas, bzbott, bzoudgy, bzdougg, bzdougpowerbook, bzdouggg, bzgirl_, bzdougeylasmaybe, bzduog, bzdougggg, bzlynx, bzcat
2 ojo
(24 names)
ojo, ojo|o, ojo|oBrother, PR_ojo, carotte_croquante, ojo|F1, ojo|virgin_suicides, ojo|DVD, ojo|cherche_apart, ojo|phoebie, ojo|phoebe, ojo|1664, ojo|Despe, HasteroHash, bTb, pTp, qTp, ojo|outr, FBI_Foulek, ojo|ushuaia_bois_de_cedres, ojo_, Mr_Coupable, ojo|courses_fuck, Sylvestre
3 BBrox
(14 names)
BBrox, BBrox_on_wheels, BBrox_zzzzzzz, BBrox_shopping, BBrox_under_the_sun, BBrox_TV, BBrox_zzzzzzzzz, BBrox_fut, BB_pool, BB_traini, BBrox_out, BBrox_zzzzzzzzzz, BBrox_zzzzzzzz, BBrox_picnic
4 Morph
(11 names)
Morph_, Morph, a9r, Gareth, gjg, Foo, ArcSine, gjg_, nikso, bipolar, thor
5 Jacques
(10 names)
jacques, jacquesZzZz, jacques_idle, jacques_carls_jr, jacques_kitchen, Cosine, jacques_shower, hacqyes, jacqies_gone, jacques_gone
6 bipolar
(9 names)
bipolar, bipolar_Work, bipolar_away, bipolar_ZzZzZz, bipolar_away_work, Bipolar_werknisazof, bipolar_werk, bipolar_food, Morph
7 nikos
(9 names)
nikos, nikosAWAY, nikosBBS, nikos_, nikosAWA, nikosAWAY\, nikosAFK, thor, Myxyzptlk
8 cworth
(8 names)
cworth, cworthAWY, cworthAWAY, cworthEAT, cworthOINK, cowrthAWAY, c2l, cworthMTG
9 thor
(6 names)
thor, |, a7r, nikos, BZflag, Morph
10 GeYzMo
(5 names)
GeYzMo, LinuxGeek, Konqueror, GeYzMo^C, GeYzMo|CodingCPlusPlus

Most used words
 Word Number of Uses Last Used by
1 rtype 33507 DougHecka
2 there 5468 Cell_simple_inse
3 server 4387 SpacemanSpiff
4 would 4347 patlabor221
5 about 4117 patlabor221
6 think 4049 Cell_simple_inse
7 should 3584 patlabor221
8 right 2788 patlabor221
9 could 2681 patlabor221
10 ducati 2296 [BZ]Ruudi

Most referenced nick
 Nick Number of Uses Last Used by
1 is 25613 DougHecka
2 what 7358 lurgyman
3 no 7062 DougHecka
4 me 5843 DougHecka
5 BZflag 5430 BZflag
6 ok 5033 DougHecka
7 captain_proton 4492 DougHecka
8 oh 3127 DougHecka
9 back 2599 DougHecka
10 Chestal 2478 [tff]Ginku
11 lol 2115 DougHecka
12 Widget 2082 DougHecka
13 file 2043 captain_proton
14 sure 1641 patlabor221
15 patlabor221 1236 Crooze

Most referenced URLs
 URL Number of Uses Last Used by
1 http://www.chesco.com/~dbrosius/BZFlag/BZFlag.html 24 rooter
2 http://www.wirrehomepage.de 22 DougHecka
3 http://BZFlag.SourceForge.net/list-server.txt 19 sussudio
4 http://www.bzflag.org/ 14 Chestal
5 http://bzflag.free.fr/ 13 Valoche
6 http://bzflag.org/new/ 12 metal_magic
7 http://www.artemisgames.com/bza/ 11 Bongulim
8 http://www.artemisgames.com/code/bz/edit/ 11 sussudio
9 http://BZFlag.org/ 11 BZflag
10 http://rcam.ws 10 captain_proton

Other interesting numbers
ibot wasn't very popular, getting kicked 1 times!
For example, like this:
     990392711 [71525] >>> [1mibot[0m was kicked off [1m#handhelds.org[0m by [1ma7r[0m ([1mout damned spot[0m)

a7r is either insane or just a fair op, kicking a total of 1 people!
ChanServ donated 401 ops in the channel...
darkworm was also very polite: 1 ops from him/her.
ChanServ is the channel sheriff with 38 deops.
Strange, no voices was given on #bzflag!
No voices was taken on #bzflag!
captain_proton always lets us know what he/she's doing: 2741 actions!
For example, like this:
     1017990748 [43798] <captain_proton/#bzflag> is VERY confused

Also, vogon_jeltz tells us what's up with 1830 actions.
iLLf8d is talking to him/herself a lot. He/She wrote over 5 lines in a row 314 times!
Another lonely one was captain_proton, who managed to hit 219 times.
PercyMaime has quite a potty mouth. 25% lines contained foul language.
Tux also makes sailors blush, 15.7% of the time.

Latest Topics
A topic was never set on this channel.
Total number of lines: 294827.

Stats generated by pisg v0.37
pisg by Morten Brix Pedersen and others
Stats generated in 00 hours 03 minutes and 18 seconds